Thursday, October 21, 2010

Saturday Mornings! In Comic Form!

Alright, late night post, so here we go.  Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal is the comic we have for you guys today.  Written and drawn by Zach Weiner, SMBC is a daily color comic that can literally be about anything.  Weiner enjoys writing jokes in the from of graph, math, or literally any kind of random subject.  Similar to XKCD, he follows no continuity or storyline, eschewing them in favor for gems like this:
No rhyme, no reason, just humor at it's finest.  If you're looking for a comic to inject a little extra variety into your daily routine, look no further than SMBC.  In addition, there is always a secondary little comic available by hovering your cursor over the red button in the lower corner of the comic, as a little extra for frequent readers.   Only here will you find a perfect collection of dick jokes, graph jokes, and the smart kind of humour that leads to witticisms like this: 

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