Sunday, October 10, 2010

And Now for Something Completely Different

Hats.  We see them everyday, but do we really understand the hat, not merely as a head covering, but an extension of yourself?  In a way, once the hat becomes perched upon your head, does it not become a part of you, no less so then your arm or a leg?  The kind of hat one wears is extension of the personality of the hatwearer, whether or not he knows it.  Even in these modern times, one can wear the hats of olde to express themselves in a way that they feel mere clothes cannot offer.  If you feel your life needs a little pizazz, to spice up an otherwise dull day, simply pick up the nearest hat or hat shaped object, and be on your way.  That new feeling is the confidence you now have to face the day, with head bucket in place. And for your patience dear reader, here is a picture of Meowth wearing a Ditto as a hat:

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